Golden Lake , Maltakva , Poti
18:00 Sunday, 01 August, 2021
I კალათა -
₾ 60
Sold Out
II კალათა -
₾ 90
Sold Out
₾ 120
Sold Out
IV -
₾ 150
Sold Out
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სწრაფი ტესტი -
₾ 19
Sold Out
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I -
₾ 90
Sold Out
Sold Out |
I -
₾ 90
Sold Out
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I -
₾ 90
Sold Out
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Description |
Swing Festival - is a combination of unknown or very well-known artists in the Georgian and international underground electronic music scene. It is a long-awaited sonic experience that will refresh our thirsty ears. Far from the capital, In ancient Colchis, Western Georgia, near “Golden Lake” dozens of musicians with their obscure taste are dividing up for three different stages that will cheer our abandoned dance floors. Save your best moves for the date - after a long time of digital adventures, the time has come for the real one!
To buy a festival ticket click on the link -
✧ Early Bird - 60 ₾ (Sold Out)
✧ II Basket - 90 ₾
Remember, Face Control applies to tickets purchased at the door.
Because of the risk of transmission of Covid-19 before receiving the festival bracelet, you should take a rapid Covid-19 test or bring the answer to the test done in the last 24 hours. Only after receiving the bracelet can you swing inside event territory.
Alec Falconer B2B Dr. Banana / Amichay Matyas / Ani Kvirkvelia / Anna Haleta / Ash Scholem / Audio Space B2B Vasil / Bero / BMI / Cobert Live / Dj Sendnudes / DVS1 / Edward / Ericsson B2B Third Soul / Evan Baggs / Gio Shengelia / Francesco Del Garda / Gacha / Generali Minerali Live / Greenbeam & Leon / Hamatsuki / Hatsvali / Hudson / HVL Live / Ika B2B Usherenko / Jane Fitz / JD J / Kancheli B2B Zitto / Khvedeliani / Kilski Live / Kote Japaridze / Kraumur / Kura / Kvanchi B2B Dito / Lasha GuruIi / Marikhi B2B Tedi / NDRX / Nebbieri / Neux / NEWA / Nicole / Nika J B2B Tomma / Ninasupsa / Nio / Pasha / Rydeen Live / S.V.R.A Live / Sevda / Skyra Live / Sulava / Sumo / Toke Live / Tom Haus / V.C.V.S. Live / Uval / VFY B2B Mocongo / Yanamaste / Yves B2B Parna / Zurkin